Friday, February 17, 2012

Embracing the Linsanity (Part 1)

Congratulations to Matt for making his blogging debut! And it is cogent, coherent, and concise, as he likes to say.

So maybe by now you've seen one or two opinions about Jeremy Lin:

But of course, Matt ached to form an opinion on his own. Since he has a penchant for getting me awesomely extravagant birthday/holiday experiences (Fulfill a lifelong dream to walk up to the top of the Statue of Liberty? Sure! Shall we plan two years in advance to go to an Aretha Franklin concert? Why not?), I wanted to make this happen for him. I went to bed eyeing a pair of tickets in the 100 section of Madison Square Garden at $150; 12 hours, a last minute shot at the buzzer, and a $400 bid later, I let that dream go and bought some overpriced nosebleeds.

The seats actually weren't that bad, if I do so say so myself...

[yes, this is as close to knicks colors as I can get, and yes, that is a Mets hat my darling husband is sporting]

Lin making his entrance (missed it, probably):

[By the way, did you know the Knicks have a hype man?! And he doubles as a 15th string player?! Wise investment.]

Jimmer was the only pale face on the Kings bench, so he stuck out like a sore thumb! But even he got some playing time. As usual, he was solid at free throws, but I don't think he took a lot of the big shots people were used to seeing from him at BYU. I couldn't help but think that he looked like a confused white guy out on the court. Still, I was glad that he got some applause from the tough Knicks crowd when he did get a shot (him being a hometown guy and all).

[doing what he does best]

Here was the final score--the Knicks got sloppy and let Isaiah Thomas (who they booed all night!) get a last-second shot...

Not that I claim to be a basketball expert, but there did seem to be a magic on the court when Lin had the ball. In those brief moments when Lin was taking a breather, the other players couldn't manage to find the same rhythm; when Lin was there, it was definitely a well-oiled machine. Even the turnovers were pretty looking. He ended the game with 10 points and 13 assists--I guess after tonight's game (28 points! 14 assists!) that these stats aren't as amazing... but come on, that's better than you could do.

If you really want a laugh, you should check out this video of the half-time show. Three girls were duking it out for teh KIDZ BOP STAR OF TOMORROW, oH mY gOsHeS! And [spoiler alert] the winner? The thirteen-year old Asian pianist. So much for crushing stereotypes, Lin.

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